The map is over-simplified and feels too small to be a Black Ops 3 map it attempts to bring in Black Ops 3 wall running and jet pack system while trying to reconnect players to that nostalgic feel, ultimately it falls short of its goals.ĭer Eisendrache takes place in a medieval castle in Ner Werfen, Austria. Although we love seeing former maps returning to newer Call of Duty DLCs, Skyjacked is Treyarch’s attempt to drawn in Call of Duty players who had a nostalgic feeling towards the Black Ops 2 map Hijacked. The ladders have been blocked off because they are no longer needed and hovercrafts have been added to the back of the boat replacing the older lifeboats. It is almost identical to its predecessor and features new wall running spots and a new entrance to the bottom level of the map where the side walkway used to be. The Skyjacked map takes place on a security VTOL holding in position over urban Zurich. Skyjacked is a floating airship that has been damaged, which creates a chaotic environment that allows for a variety of movement opportunities that have been built into the map. Skyjacked is a re-imagining of the map Hijacked from Call of Duty Black Ops 2. Rise is a boring map with its only highlighting feature being the under water combat being available in the map. The middle lane focuses on intense choke point arena combat where all the paths converge, and the final path has a variety of underwater opportunities for combat and connects to the middle lane. The long lane focuses on open combat with the possibility of wall running to change the flow of combat. Rise feels like the most classic Call of Duty multiplayer map, focusing primarily on cover to cover combat and a large variety of lane structures. Rise takes place on the outskirts of snowy Zurich at a Coalescence Corporation construction project. Splash has an enjoyable feel to it with a fun natured environment but the map falls short with its pathing and over simplicity. Sadly, Activision failed to give players a memorable map by limiting the combat field it would have been exciting to slide through waterslides to kill your enemies or climb on top of a metal tower with a hydro cannon and a slide. Players can use some of the open tubes in order to get around the map. The Splash water park focuses on a pirate theme with a giant pirate ship on the map. Underwater combat will be another primary focus with additional tunnels being underneath the water. Paths are connected by a variety of water slides that will allow combatants to battle within the slide. Splash is playful abandoned water theme park. Gauntlet gives a refreshing feel to multiplayer maps while falling short due to its center focused layout it is very rare to find people in either the jungle or the urban city path and if do they will most likely be camping. The urban city street allows for players to practice clearing street corners while not providing any capability of sniping from an upper vantage point.
The arctic tundra is the center of the map with multiple paths from the different sections of the map converge. The jungle environment provides players with the capability to blend into their surroundings to stealthy take out their foes. This map follows Treyarch’s core philosophy regarding a three lane division of a map to create a multilayered battlefield enabling players to fight how they feel is best. One path is a jungle environment, another is an arctic snowy climate, and the final path is an urban city street. Gauntlet is set in a military training facility in which each of the three paths of the map is a different environment. Three of the four maps are visually stimulation with Rise being the only exception.
Each map allows for players to fight on different kinds of terrain whether it is a piece of construction equipment, a water slide, or a VTOL warship. The four multiplayer maps are Rise, Splash, Skyjacked, and Gauntlet. Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Awakening DLC is the first map pack that players must complete steps in order to eliminate the crews alternate versions of themselves following the events of The Giant map.Ĭall of Duty Black Ops 3 Awakening DLC comes with four multiplayer maps and one zombies map. Next week, the dramatic conclusion of the Origins storyline will be revealed with the release of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Salvation DLC map Revelation, but gamers all around the world have been curious why Richtofen, Takeo, Dempsey, and Nikolai have been eliminating their alternate selves.